In “IVA VET” clinic ultrasound of your pet is carried out by trained specialists of veterinary medicine (Figure 1). During the ultrasound examination of the abdomen we estimate all functional, structural or anatomical deviations, the presence or absence of pathological changes of mass or tumor, enlarged lymph nodes, the presence of liquids or gases in the abdominal cavity, evidence of obstruction of tubular organs, such as the common bile duct obstruction or ureter, presence of stones in the bladder or other parts of the renal system, or signs of changes in other organ systems that may be related to the development of pathological conditions in your pet.


Figure 1. Ultrasound examination of the gravid dog. The patient of Spec. Dr. Ivan Jevtic

Based on ultrasound examination vet can make very important conclusions about the functional and anatomical status of certain organ systems of your pet.

In “IVA VET” clinic we perform appraisals of:
• Reproductive health (Figure 2)
• Functional and anatomical condition of the heart
• Presence or absence of pathological or physiological changes in the organs of the abdominal cavity (liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, intestines, bladder, stomach, lim.č)


Figure 2. A. Cat with its new babies B. Ultrasound pregnant cat footage that shows the bones of kitten


Figure 3. A.Ultrasound guided aspiration cytology in the dog B.Ultrasound guided aspiration cytology in the cat

Here in “IVA VET” clinic, when necessary, we perform ultrasound-guided:
• Biopsy of tissues and organs
• The cytological aspiration using special high quality needle (Figure 3)
• Abdomiocentesis
• Cistocentesis

Which are the reasons Your veterinarian will recommend an ultrasound examination of your pet?
There are many reasons or, as veterinarians will say, “clinical symptoms” why to make ultrasound examination of the abdomen of your pet. Among some of the most common are as follows (Figure 4):
• Changed the value of the results of the complete blood count
• The occurrence of vomiting or diarrhea
• Weight loss without deprivation or targeted changes in diet
• Chronic infections
• Changes in urination
• Control general overview of all older dogs, especially after eight years
• Control to trace certain pathological processes, performance intervention, treatment, or control for timely prevention of pathological conditions which are cured and can reappear.
• The presence of fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity
• Pregnancy
• In order to take samples of tissues, organs or fluids (biopsy)
